I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving last week. We had kin over for the feast. Mom, Niki & Joe, Dane, and Christa's sister Kimberly. I didn't take many pictures, in fact, this is pretty much it. After we demolished a whopping 2,347,809 calories Dane showed us all up on the Wii. Kimberly rocked the free world on Guitar Hero. And Black Friday adds were tossed to and fro (alright, who split up the Target add?). Thanks to everyone who helped out and brought food more than fit for

human consumption. We didn't go around the table and say things that we are thankful for as is the custom with many American families. So here it is. I'm thankful most of all for my family. I wouldn't trade them for the world. Not even a rock and roll lifestyle where Ozzy opens for me! I love Christa for putting up with me. Lana is the best blessing ever. And I can't wait to welcome Beckham into the world. Cheers!