Monday, September 3, 2007

What about Tim?

I blog. Just like Bob Wiley sails, I blog.

Now that I've got a little family of my own I'm not sure how well I'll fit into the whole blogging community. Aren't blogs the perfect medium through which self-indulgent narcissists let the world know how important they are? Is a blog nothing more than a digital shrine dedicated to the egomaniac that manipulates its binary code? A testament of one's self-proclaimed coolitude? If the answers to these questions are "yes", I am in the right place.

It's good to be king!


happiness pig said...

And you are! (Of your royal house of Kelley, anyway!)
My creed: If you don't toot your own horn, who's gonna?
BLOG ON!!!!!(anyways, it gave me a good chuckle and I needed that!)

Colette said...

Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games! And cookies!