Monday, September 3, 2007

Growing up.

Well, when I was finishing up a roll of film from our Yellowstone trip (yes, I said "roll of film", I'm old skool like that) I snapped this photo of Lana waving to me. It's amazing how fast she is growing. It seems like she was born just yesterday and now she is almost 14 months old! She's becoming more like a little girl everyday.

I can't wait until she starts talking more. Her favorite words are hey, duck, dog, that, uh-oh, momma, and dadda (her first word). She signs please and thank you. She can point to her nose, ears, mouth, shoes, and eyes when prompted. She can growl like a beast when you read her a book that requires growling and bark like a dog when she hears Marshall barking. If you say "excellent" she will immediately bring her hands up while tenting her fingers in the style of Monty Burns. She has specific waves for "hey" and "bye, bye". She also blows kisses.

So far her professional resume includes Farr West City 2007 Overall Cutest Baby:

More to follow...

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